
Hello All,


I was thinking what defines me… my beliefs… my connections….my identity…. what? One thing I want to understand is GOD Does NOT EXIST.

I was watching the movie” What the Bleep do we know” and after a long time something rang the right kind of a bell in me. I had read Gary Zukav’s Dancing Wu Li Masters a long time ago. Quantum Mechanics has been a favourite subject of mine for many years. I should in the same breath write that I am not a trained person to say anything with finality on this at all. But I like reason and logic. Or do I? How soon does emotion take over?

I like to fight with myself on topics and question myself. I raise questions and answers and debates and waves of emotions within myself on topics.

So the sojourn of sololiquy wandered, stumbled on draining the last drops of power and sanity as I know it and this is what i felt….aided by the film and the book.

That this world is a possibility, that the observer and the observed are the same. that there is no observer and nothing observed, that there are only tendencies that exist….. possiblities…endless of them.

Then how can I choose of the possibilities and make that my Reality? Why am I doing it? Buddha’s term that ALL Suffering is due to
IGNORANCE then is not understanding that at any one moment ALL possibilities play, dance together.


When will I trancend in that …be NEMO… NO ONE!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!***********?????????

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